Stay Information tab

Whenever you work with guest information in the system, you are working with a "Stay." The Stay information is gathered together by Skyware Systems into a "Folio" screen, which contains multiple tabs showing the relevant information for this stay.

When you access a Guest Folio or Stay, the default tab that appears on the Folio screen is the Stay Info tab. This tab allows you to manage your basic Guest information for the stay, with the contents taken from the reservation when created. This includes whether the guest is attached to a company in order to pull in negotiated rates, if there is an associated travel agent (and associated commission), and if the guest was referred by someone.

(Note: The Stay Information or Stay Info tab is also the first tab of the Group Main Folio screen).

Note: This Help Topic is for the Stay Info tab only. For more information on the other areas of the Folio screen, please see Stay Information Overview.




When you select a Folio the Main Folio screen will open.

Main Folio screen for selected Guest stay

The Main Folio screen by default will open with the Stay Information (Stay Info) tab displayed. This tab allows you to manage basic Group information, with the contents taken from the reservation when created. The information on the Stay Info tab is further divided by sections and fields, each of which is described below.

NOTE: If you make any changes in the Stay Info tab, the other tabs are grayed out and unavailable until you save your changes by clicking the Save button, or cancel your changes using the Cancel button in the local tool bar.






Date Updated May 12, 2021